Thursday 24 September 2015

Friday questions

1. Describe the "Letters of your Name" assignment as if you needed to teach it to a new student.
First know how many letters are in your name. Then go on google chrome with your gmail account and find the same amount of pictures as the letters of your full name. Remember the minimal amount is 14 letters. If your names doesn't have that many letters than include something like info tech or the school name ACSS. Once you've found all pictures that fit your hobbies and interests. Do the next step,save them on a flashdrive or on the desk top.If a restriction pops up, press X and continue.Afterwards find the photoshop program on your computer, once it is opened click on files and and make a new file with a transparent background. You could adjust the size of the background as well. When that is done then drag the picture on it and click on the eraser sign on the left row. Start erasing the picture into a letter of your name. Make the letters clear to read and in different fonts. Crop the letter and save them all. Go to the class blogsite and click on the table website that the teacher posted. Then make a table big enough to fit all the letters in. The first row is for your first name and last row is for your last name. When the table is done, press do not generate CSS, then press generate and copy to clipboard. Go back on your blogsite and make a new post write the title,click HTML and right click on the mouse then paste.Click between    >< then click images and select your picture. Repeat this procedure until the table is completed, and post it.
                                                                                                                  a. Photoshop
Photoshop was fairly easy.I just make my new file and drag the selected picture onto the file. Then click the eraser and start to erase until the image turns into a letter.When that is done I'll click on files again and save the finished work on my flashdrive. 

I have used:

  • Eraser Tool
  • Crop Tool
  • Rectangular Marquee Tool
  • Spot Healing Brush tool
Five shortcuts on keyboard are;

  • use C for croping
  • use Ctrl+N for new file
  • use Ctrl+S for save as..
  • use E for eraser tool
  • use Alt+Ctrl+Z to step back

b. Blogs
It was sort of hard in the beginning. Since i didn't know what to do with the settings and layout. Afterwards everything began to be so easy. Now i understand how to change the layout of the blog, how to adjusts widths, and how to post on the blog.Having a blog is pretty fun. Things don't get over complicated, everything is easy to keep up with. I feel more confident about my skills on the assignments on my blog.

What I have done in my layout:
  • Added a bus picture in the header
  • Added links on the side 
  • Added a picture of my avatar on the side
What i have done in HTML:
  • Made a table

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Planet Collisison

                The beginning of level 2. Earth is formed and roaming free.

                        The beginning of level 3. the lonely planet in space trying to survive.

The ending scene. Congrats you managed to escape the grasps of deadly stars.