Monday 16 November 2015

First Impressions

         Hello!! My fellow followers welcome to this first impression review. The game that I'm going to look at today is called Planet Base.
This game is a strategy type of game for the intellects in the world. Shout out to those smarties! Anyways back to the topic, The game is personally not my favorite kind, but you guys might find it worth while. Basically the earth seems to be destroyed and people have to move to another planet in order to survive the crisis. The picture below are the choices.Each planets are dissimilar since the attributions are different.It gets harder and harder towards the end
Your main objective in the game is to build a strong colony on the plain ground for everyone to live in harmony. To get to your goal, you'll have to build a variety of  different buildings and recruit other people. Every person has their own job to support the community. For all this to work the player will have to create multiple structures such as water extractor, oxygen generator, solar plants and many more to ensure the survival rate of the people on the planet. You can also determine the size by using your mouse scroll. Making small ones are more efficient and uses less money. During the process many difficult challenges will also appear. Meteors might strike and sandstorms could occur. 

Collect as many minerals and energy as you can. Then make sure to maintain a fairly good amount of food, and water or else your population would decrease.Keep a close look to the facilities info by clicking the building. As you progress many other options would open up to you, for example medics, robots, and others. Remember to connect the mixture of structures so the people can move around. There will be icons on the top of the screen and click on it to choose the facility to make then decide on a good location and click on it. Boom!!you've just made a structure that will begin your brilliance. Continue the good work.And this is the end of this review. Bye and see you guys next time.

The helpers through out the game

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