Monday 23 November 2015

Planet Base (Day 5)

              This is the last time I will ever play this game. Throughout all the game plays that I have done so many things have gone wrong. Such as people keep dying from multiple reasons. Instead of doing what I have done before. I changed my approach to a more strategic way. I won't waste my materials on unnecessary buildings and objects. Stop the colonists from coming when there is to many people. Also trade a lot of food, try to make the trade as even as possible. Making sure that you gain more than giving less. I made sure to have solar plants and wind mills. To support the oxygen tank thing and water extractor. I soon linked all buildings together making it easy for people to travel. I shut down things when I'm not using it instead of letting it run and waste energy.

          I also trapped the colonist inside when there was a sandstorm. I did a stupid move such as recycled the airlock while everyone was inside. It obviously resulted in their deaths. Just don't make the same mistakes as me. A control center is very nice it helps you hide from meteors and send them back. It signals the people to take cover. Create beds in the dorm so tires people can rest up. A biodome is a must have cause you need to have veggies to make meals. The meal maker, desks and a water fountain are very important for the colonists survival. they provide the food and water to everyone. A lab is used when making medicine for the medics to use while treating an injured person.

 The mine has to be placed near a mountain base. It helps to gain materials to forge into new materials when a material maker is built. A storage place ins helpful, but really important compared to everything else. It preserves the materials so they last longer.

  Finally, My opinion about this game is that it is a really stressful game for people that like to plan ahead. The reasons for that is you always have to think ahead and understand what impacts your decisions can affect the long run of the colony. You gain lots of stress, because there is a lot of thought to process. This game also makes you understand the responsibility of caring for others. Making sure that their lives continue. If you are not very organized then this game is totally not for you. From head to toe everything is involved with your ability to imagine the future, organize and keeping tabs on the economy. 

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