Friday 20 November 2015

Planet Base (Day Four)

      Today when I was playing Planet Base. I tried to improve the life of my people by trading a lot and building helpful structures. My goal was to have everyone survive from hunger.Considering what happened last day. I also build a new power collector because I keep running out of energy at night. Meteors keep striking, one of my solar plant was hit. Soon all my solar plants needed repair along with my wind mills.

I decided to recycle the bar and star pad for more resources and the storage room. I traded a lot but new colonist wouldn't join so i had no one who could fix broken objects. Someone in the colony broke his bone,but without a medic there was nothing I could do. I started gaining a lot of resources. So hunger was no longer an issue yet my power plants won't work and power collectors don't work soon the people are thirsty and tired with no way of going inside during the night.
The people are slowly dying therefor I will try to start a new game. And hope they will live

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